Every person who has problems with blood pressure disorders should monitor it daily with a tonometer. This device allows you to measure blood pressure with maximum accuracy even at home.
Varieties of tonometers and principles of their work
Tonometer - a medical device designed to measure blood pressure. This equipment allows you to assess the physical condition and diagnose abnormalities in the work of the body. Blood pressure monitors are used both in hospitals, medical centers and at home. There are three types of devices available:
- Mechanical. The pressure measurement is done manually. Such tonometers are popular, as they are highly accurate. But to use them, you need certain skills. The mechanical tonometer consists of a cuff, a manometer, a phonendoscope and a pear. The sleeve is superimposed on the shoulder and has a chamber into which air enters by pressing the pear. Tones are heard with a phonendoscope. The advantages of mechanical models include: low cost and accurate results. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that the devices are not suitable for use by people with hearing loss.
- Semi-automatic. Advanced modifications with a display showing pressure and pulse. They automatically perform the task, and manually you only need to pump air. Their advantage lies in the ease of operation, reasonable price and the possibility of using them without special skills and with hearing impairments. To use such a device, it is necessary to fix the cuff on the forearm, and then pump air into it using a pear. The electronic part of the device is equipped with sensors that record the beginning and end of the pulse.
- Automatic. Modern and easy-to-use devices. They are one small cuff, without a pear and a stethoscope, on one side of which there is an electronic part. Inside the device is a compressor that pumps air, and a system of sensors. To determine blood pressure, you need to fix the cuff and press the button. The device itself pumps in and deflates air, while fixing the upper and lower pressure.
According to the method of operation, tonometers are classified into the following types:
- Shoulder. The most common model. They can be electronic or mechanical. Show extremely accurate data. Used in professional and domestic environments.
- Finger. They are worn on the finger and are considered the least accurate. Characterized by compactness and ease of use. They are used to determine blood pressure in athletes, as it takes a minimum of time.
- Carpal. Placed on the wrist and have a small size. You can take them for a walk, travel or work. In addition to measuring blood pressure, they also display the pulse, which is why they are called heart rate monitors.
How to choose a tonometer?
It is not difficult to make the right choice of a suitable blood pressure monitor, having decided on its type, cuff size and additional functions - from voice guidance to a motion indicator. On Monstroplace it is easy to choose the right parameters using filters.
Cuff size. This part is attached to the wrist or forearm, so their diameter is the main guide when buying. There are the following sizes:
- Up to 22 centimeters. Such cuffs are equipped with children's and carpal modifications.
- At 22-36 centimeters. The most common girth with which most models are produced. Suitable for adults weighing from 50 to 90 kilograms.
- From 36 centimeters. The best option for people with full hands.
Power method. Mechanical devices do not require power, while electronic devices operate from the following sources:
- Batteries. Equipped with 2-4 batteries. The best option for taking them on the road and travel.
- Battery. Such modifications are equipped with a rechargeable battery powered by USB. They are considered the most modern and advanced.
- Combined models. They combine two types of power supply: from batteries and mains. Suitable for home use and use in any other places.
Additional options:
- Calculation of average pressure. The option calculates the average value of the last three measurements taken on three consecutive days at the same time and under similar conditions.
- Arrhythmia indicator. Helps to recognize symptoms of arrhythmia. A warning symbol appears on the screen. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Sound notification. An excellent supplement for people with poor eyesight. An audible signal announces the beginning and end of the blood pressure determination process and reports the results.
- Memory size. Stores up to 90 or more results. If the device is used by several people, it is recommended to purchase family devices with 2-3 separate memory cells.
- Synchronization with a smartphone, laptop or personal computer. This option is equipped with advanced models of fixtures. Tonometers are connected to devices via USB or Bluetooth. To do this, you need to download the application, install it and create your own account. It displays the results. They can be viewed at any time.
- Connecting to a printer. It makes it possible to print the indicators on paper and show the doctor.
- Automatic shutdown. The device turns off when no one is using it, saving energy consumption.
- Calendar and clock. Show date and time.
- Illumination of buttons. Provides comfortable use at night.
Where to buy a tonometer?
It is profitable to buy a tonometer in Austria easily with the help of the Monstroplace online store. Blood pressure monitors in Vienna, Graz and other cities can be ordered for targeted delivery. Payment is available in any convenient way, Bank card or PayPal.
Why is the tonometer lying?
Errors in the readings of the tonometer most often arise due to their incorrect use, the main reasons are:
- incorrect position of the body - support is needed for the back (comfortable chair, armchair), legs cannot be crossed, the hand should lie calmly on the table or armrest;
- improper placement and tension of the cuff - indicators are underestimated if it is placed above the level of the heart or too tightly tightened if the arm is in clothing;
- external factors - you can not knock on the table or shake it, talk loudly, move your hands;
- subjective factors - for the accuracy of the readings, it is necessary to exclude coffee, alcohol and smoking, stress and physical activity, visit the toilet room 10-15 minutes before the measurement;
- too frequent measurements - a break of about 1-2 minutes is needed so that the blood vessels are restored and blood circulation is not difficult;
- malfunctions - a common cause is the wear of the cuff, trigger screw or shut-off valve in mechanical blood pressure monitors, damage to the electronic unit in automatic models.
What is better mechanical or electronic blood pressure monitor?
The principle of operation of a mechanical and electronic device does not differ significantly, but it is believed that mechanical tonometers are cheaper and more accurate. At the same time, electronic devices are much easier to operate.