Product name and brand

Product Name

The name of the product must be formed from the keywords that users use when searching. In order for a product to be optimized for SEO as much as possible, its name must correspond to the formula:

  • Type of product - always indicated with a capital letter and answers the question "What is it?" (Backpack, T-shirt, Dining table, Laptop).
  • Brand - a manufacturer of a product.
  • Model - product model.
  • Color - indicated in accordance with the color of the product in the photo in Latin or Cyrillic. If the color consists of two values (Purple + Yellow), then the first color is considered the main color of the product.
  • Characteristics - distinctive properties that affect the choice of goods (size, memory capacity, diagonal). They are indicated in units of measurement and must exactly match the parameters and description of the product. Use abbreviations to display units of measurement.
  • Article - an individual number of the product, which makes the name of the product unique. It is preferable to indicate the article of the manufacturer of the goods.

Requirements for specifying the name of the product:

  • seller's price list cannot contain two products with exactly the same name;
  • length should not exceed 255 characters. The optimal title length for SEO is up to 60 characters;
  • should not contain separating characters (commas, dots, dashes, hyphens), except for those related to the model name;
  • brand specified in the name and in the <vendor> tag must be the same;
  • for clothes, the size must be indicated in the name, and for children's clothes, height. The value in the name must match the value in the characteristics.
  • replace special characters that may be in the name (λ, Ω, ™, ½, @, ^, *, etc.) with alternative abbreviations;
  • do not write the name of the product only in capital letters;
  • The name can be in German and English. Other languages in the title are not allowed.

In the name of the product It is forbidden to use:

  • words that are not characteristics of the product, such as “Promotion”, “Discount”, “Sale”, “New”, “From the manufacturer”;
  • site address or similar text that will transfer the buyer to a third-party site;
  • the word “Original / Original” (excluding spare parts for phones). Monstroplace sells only original products;
  • the word “Markdown”. You can only sell new, used and refurbished items;
  • the name of your Monstroplace store;
  • jargon.

We recommend that you form the name of the goods by analogy with the selected category.

Product brand (manufacturer)

Brand (trademark/manufacturer) — mandatory information that must be specified in the product name and in the <vendor> tag. The spelling of the brand must be as indicated by the manufacturer.

Branding requirements:

  • Trademark (brand) must be registered.
  • The name of the manufacturer must match the brand indicated on the product, on the packaging of the product and on the official website.
  • It is forbidden to add to the name of the manufacturer the words: trademark, TM, LTD, LLC, FLP, etc.

Each product card must contain the <vendor> tag. Before specifying the manufacturer in the product name and the <vendor> tag, you need to check its availability on the site. If this brand is sold on Monstoplace, list it identically, including spaces, case, and symbols. If the manufacturer of such goods is not yet listed on Monstroplace, list it in accordance with the registered trademark.

The presence of a brand in the product allows you to filter products by manufacturer, helping the buyer to find the right product on the site.

It is forbidden to indicate as a manufacturer:

  • site address, phone number, e-mail, physical address or similar texts that will transfer the buyer to third-party sites;
  • modified names of well-known brands (Addidas, Bosh);
  • non-existent or fictitious brands (Replica, ТМ+series, DVD);
  • trademarks of the distributor company that sells the goods;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • name of the manufacturer or country of origin of the product (Huanghou LDT, China).

When added to the site, products undergo mandatory moderation. The vendor specified in the product, if it is not already in our directory, is being checked:

  • presence in the register of trade marks of the European Union;
  • availability of an official website or a distributor's website;
  • reliability of information on the product packaging and/or on the product itself;
  • whether the brand is really present in this category of goods.

If a non-existent brand is specified for a product, such product will not be added to the site. You need to provide manager with documents confirming registration of such a manufacturer / brand or trademark.

Can be placed on Monsroplace without specifying the manufacturer:

  • banknotes and coins;
  • hand-made goods;
  • kits/sets of goods (a cup from one manufacturer + a blanket from another / a set of SIM cards from different brands).