Goods without a brand

Goods without a brand (manufacturer)

All products on the Monstroplace website must indicate the manufacturer (brand), but there are products that are produced without a brand, TM, or manufacturer. For example phone cases, toys, home textiles, or other "NO BRAND" products.

Such goods can be produced in any country. In order not to mislead the buyer, it is necessary that he accurately understands the origin of the goods and which brand he is buying. Therefore, for products that do not have a TM / mark/brand, it is necessary to indicate information in accordance with our rules below:

How to specify a brand/manufacturer for "NO BRAND" products?

No brand - made in Austria, China, or another country.

Product information must include:

• manufacturer (brand) — No brand;

• characteristic (parameter) "Producer country".

When added to the site, products undergo mandatory moderation. To confirm the authenticity of the specified manufacturer, we may ask you for an additional photo of the packaging of the product with the marking and the specified brand/manufacturer. If the trademark is in the process of registration, it will be necessary to provide an application for the registration of the TM.