Site search and product features

Search terms

On the Monstroplace website, products are searched for by key phrases: category, name, manufacturer, model, characteristic. By default, search results are sorted "By relevance" (from the most similar to the query), and sorting "From cheap to expensive" and "From expensive to cheap" is also available. If the goods have the same price, then their position is determined by the rating of the goods.

In order for your products to meet requests on the site and be displayed in the first positions, you must adhere to our requirements for the name, characteristics and description of products. The more precisely the search query is entered (product code, model, brand and product type), the fewer options will be offered and the more correct the list will be. If the buyer specifies only basic data (category, brand, characteristic, etc.), then a large number of options will be displayed in the results. Their ranking will be influenced by product rating, page views, number of sales.

How to raise a product in the search results

  • add the maximum amount of useful information to the description and characteristics of the product;
  • use the mention of key characteristics/advantages of the product in the title.

Marks "promotion", "top sales", "super price" and others serve to inform buyers and do not affect the position of goods in search results.


Product features

To make the process of shopping on the site faster, easier and more comfortable, we use additional signs to designate commodity items. They attract the attention of the buyer, help to navigate among the proposed options and decide on the choice of product.

All attributes are logically assigned to products according to their name. For example, the attribute "Top sales" is assigned automatically to products or groups of products with the highest number of sales over the past 14 days in the category.