Reviews and product ratings

Product reviews

Customer comments left using the "Write a review" option, as well as your responses to them, are published on the site in the public domain and are an important factor in choosing a product for other users. Leaving a review, the buyer has the opportunity to share their impressions and express their own opinion about the purchased product, as well as add photos and videos of unpacking. And also evaluate how someone else's review was useful.

In addition to a text comment, buyers are also invited to rate the product on a 5-point scale. The average rating is displayed below the product name in the form of stars.

You can reply to a buyer's review or view it in the seller's personal account, in the "Message Center" --> "Customer communication" section.

Your answer will appear on the product page under the buyer's comment. The presence of product reviews attracts the attention of buyers and, as a result, has a positive effect on sales. A letter with an offer to leave a review about the product is automatically sent to the buyer by email. mail after purchase.

On the Monstroplace platform, all sellers are on an equal footing, so it is forbidden to offer discounts, financial rewards, shipping refunds, gifts, etc. to buyers. for feedback about the seller or about the product. It is also unacceptable to post fictitious ratings/reviews about a product. Violation of these terms may result in your account being suspended.

Review moderation

The product page only publishes reviews from customers who have placed an order for this product in your store. All comments before being displayed on the site undergo mandatory moderation: primary (automatic) and moderation by the Monstroplace administration.

All reviews, regardless of status, are displayed in the "Comments and reviews" section.

Comments and reviews including seller responses, must not contain:

  • insults and any kind of non-literary expressions;
  • vulgar, obscene, pornographic or inciting text to racism, sexual violence, xenophobia, or conflicts between peoples;
  • www-addresses and links;
  • unreadable signs and symbols;
  • advertising texts;
  • knowingly false information or such that misleads the buyer.

We do not interfere with product reviews, ratings and comments submitted by the buyer. Real customer reviews are not edited or deleted from the site, including at the request of the client who left the review (except for situations related to violation of the publication rules). Any review that describes the current situation from the user's point of view matters to the next buyers and helps to control the quality of the service.

After receiving negative feedback, you need to contact the client, resolve the issue and, under the feedback, thank the client for the feedback, provide a short answer, or inform that the issue has been resolved in a personal conversation. Asking the client to delete a review does not make sense, since such functionality is not available in his personal account, and also contradicts our rules.

How to deal with negative reviews:

  • React quickly. You can respond to a positive review in a day, but skipping a negative review or complaint is unacceptable.
  • Do not argue with customers and do not insult them. Remember, your goal is to fix the problem, not delete a bad review.
  • Show loyalty. Briefly describe in your response to the feedback the reason for the situation and what you are doing to resolve it.
  • Analyze and draw conclusions. Do everything in your power to ensure that this situation does not happen again.
  • Thank the client for the feedback. Buyers will appreciate your attention to shortcomings and the desire to improve their work.

According to the terms of use of the site, as well as in accordance with the Law of the European Union "On the Protection of Personal Data", customer contacts can only be used to accompany the sale and purchase transaction and for marketing communications (leave reviews, videos, participate in promotions, etc.). Therefore, the seller's attempts to contact the buyer for the purpose of manipulation (delete reviews about goods, about the store, withdraw a complaint, etc.) are a violation of the rights of citizens to freedom of speech and the protection of their personal data. Upon receipt of such information from the client, we will be forced to immediately block the operation of the store for a period at the discretion of the administration or until the situation is clarified.

Dispute product review (delete product review)

You can apply to hide a published review in cases where:

  • the described situation has nothing to do with you or the specified order;
  • the facts are intentionally or accidentally misrepresented in such a way as to represent the fault of the seller, although your actions and decisions were lawful and reasonable;
  • the review discusses pricing and comparison with competitors' prices;
  • you think that the review was left unfairly.

To dispute a review, send such a request to the Monstroplace administration and describe the situation in detail. We will consider your arguments and in case of a positive decision, the review will be blocked, in case of refusal, you will receive a response by e-mail.

Please note that we post all customer messages, so your response to their public questions, complaints or negative ratings is a prerequisite for proper work with buyers. Quick response to reviews and resolution of disputes will have a positive impact on the image of your store.

Product Rating

Product rating is a calculated value of product popularity on the site for ranking offers in search results.

A certain order in the list helps the buyer to get an objective idea about this product, so by default, the sorting of products in categories is set by rating.

Factors that form the rating of a product:

  • number of visits to the product page;
  • number of product orders;
  • the number of reviews/ratings about the product.

The principle of displaying products in groups

If your product is grouped with a similar product from other sellers, then the product with the highest rating will be shown as the main one. Among several products with the same price, sorting is carried out according to the rating.